Well.. there’s not much I can do to apologize to all of you for such a huge delay in updating my blog (it’s been about 4 months). Here’s what I’ve been busy with:
- Getting my “Club Coach” certification from the Canadian Freestyle Association. I coached entry-level (Jumps and Bumps) freestyle this season, and it was probably the most fun I’ve had as a ski coach so far!
- Deciding what to do with my life (i.e. applying to jobs and grad school, interviews, rejecting offers, etc.)
- Being EngSci Club Chair (leading the Graditude Campaign, organizing Iron Ring, running a ski trip, etc.)
- Receiving awards (Cressy Student Leadership Award, Spirit of EngSci Award)
- Designing an airport.
- Designing a highway bridge.
- Designing Finite Element Analysis Software and modelling the Skydome.
- Writing a public policy paper on the Ethanol Fuel in the United States.
My point is… I’ve been pretty busy, and that’s why I’ve been absent for a while. Look for some future posts related to my recent experiences, future plans, and other random tidbits that will appear once in awhile when I am so inspired!